Tuesday, July 12, 2011

A Quick Trip to the ER...........

Any guesses on which kid landed themselves in the ER on Friday night????
I can tell you that this kid was very impressive showing no fear until they saw this.......
 and asked me...."why do they have those snappy things?" I assured him it was just for holding gauze and such! Other than that my Owen didn't twinge or fling or anything.........he did awesome! So, what happened???
 Well....Owen gets hyper and starts jumping, trying to do cartwheels and just being crazy. We were waiting to go to dinner when he was doing just that and BAM.....right into the corner of two walls. The same corner that gave him a huge goose egg last year (you may remember that blog post!).....He was holding his head so I went to check on him expecting a big lump and instead...............lots of blood, he cut it open pretty good. So after some debate we decided it was best to go get stitches since he already has a scar on his head from falling when he was 2. Grammy and I took him to the ER and Daddy stayed with the other kiddos, we got in and out pretty quick after getting 3 staples in his head and like I said he did awesome!!!

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