Saturday, July 2, 2011

A Little Puzzled!!!

Katelin has begun to really enjoy sitting at the table and coloring, doing stickers, and..........
 putting together puzzles!!!
This girl is seriously a smart one......I put together the outer pieces and she pretty much did the entire middle all by herself! I will have to share some of her colorings too.........she does an amazing job staying in the lines!

Rylie thought it would be fun to take up cake decorating so we made a fondant for this class thing she went to with Abby. It was icky and sticky and she never went back to the class so it ended up in the trash :(
 Good thing we have a kid that doesn't mind cleaning. My little Evie...he cracks me up, give him a rag and he will start to scrub the floor!

Rylie and Owen are becoming quite the little techies.....they would remain on these computers all day long if I let them but I am such a mean mom and I restrict their computer time.

This next picture shows how I feel right now....ughhhh.....My Evie, I am so proud of him, it took some tears and some patience but he is sleeping in his crib all night and no longer with us in bed (I will share more on this experience soon). So you would think I would be well rested.....No, I am sooooo tired....not much sleep lately. Then Owen puked 2 days ago and then was fine. This morning Katelin puked all morning and then she was fine and then it hit Rylie this afternoon and she still not feeling so great but hopefully by morning it will be better and hopefully it will skip Ev.

And one more picture just because I love it..............
My sweet boy, My Owen! Oh how I love him! We were talking about him the other day and what a good boy he is......he does whine but I can honestly only remember one time he has ever ever thrown a tantrum and that is pretty impressive for a 6 year old!

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