Wednesday, July 13, 2011

It's Official......

my sweet baby boy is officially walking!
 and let me tell you.....he thinks he is hot stuff! He still stumbles and falls but he is getting around pretty good, won't be long and he will be running with the big kids!
Not only is he walking but he is also sleeping through the night!
And yes, I realize this is a milestone most babies have reached well before 10 months. I have coslept with all of my babies and they have all continued to nurse during the night because they could. Well between Evan waking up and Katelin sneaking into my bed every night........I was one tired mama so I decided it was time.... and for the first time with any of my kids I let him cry. I sat in his room so he didn't feel like I had abondoned him and he cried for almost an hour the first night, 25 minutes the second night and just a few minutes the third night. Now he may cry for a second but then he lays down and goes to sleep and is sleeping all night, waking up sometime between 6:30 and 7:30. Starting tonight I won't sit in his room with him, I will just lay him in his bed and leave the room but I don't think this will be a problem.

My next challenge will be getting Katelin going to sleep without mommy or daddy laying with her and then staying in her bed all night and man is this going to be a rough one. She is one bull headed little princess with a set of lungs......good thing she is so darn cute and sweet!!!!

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