Tuesday, August 23, 2011


No i'm not a pirate just a frustrated mom with a teeny weeny bit of a control issue! I'm mean seriously I don't consider myself much of a control freak but I do have a tiny hint of being one!

Let me start by saying that I absolutely love and adore my children and I believe they are incredible kids and overall they are pretty well behaved. I don't have an issue taking all 4 of them with me to run errands. What I have learned, however, is places such as walmart, the grocery store and such are not a problem. Why? Well we are continuously moving so they have something to do.....walk!

Today.....I picked them up from school and we went to a shoe store, this is where problems tend to arise! I am trying to help 1 kid and the other 3 get antsy because they are expected to just sit still and well.....that's just not easy for them. So I was frustrated with the situation!

Then there is 1 other issue (this is where my teeny weeny control issue comes into play), 2 of my kids are getting older and getting their own styles and their own opinions on what they like. Therefore, they want to buy what they like and not what mom likes. And while I am all for them expressing their own style, this can be very hard for me when I don't like that style but I bite my tongue and let them get what they want because I want them to be able to express themselve how the want to!

Evan I still have full control, Katelin it's so so.....I kept pointing out shoes and she would say "those are not pretty"......yet the BLACK tennis shoes with BRIGHT purple on them were pretty, I refused to buy my 3 year old daughter hideous black tennis shoes, we had to go to a second store but we found a pair for my princess.

Rylie kept trying to try on boots and I kept yelling at her reminding her that we were there to buy tennis shoes not boots and she finally picked out a cute pair. My oldest son.....he found a pair and that's what he wanted, did not even want to look at others. I kept pointing out others and he wanted nothing to do with it, so he tried them on and they looked pretty good so were all happy then...........he says, " I don't want these". Yay we will get a pair mom likes, No.......he finds a pair I really don't like and that was it, that's what he wanted so that's what he got.

So that's what we got, I know they are just shoes and i'm dedicating an entire blog post whining talking about them but I feel a little better and i'm greatful that this is the biggest issue in my life right now. I still have to get Evan a pair, I didn't find any I liked that didn't cost over $40 and I just refuse to pay that much especially for a 1 year old.  If your reading this then Thank You for listening, I really do feel better. My kids are all SLEEPING (thank goodness).... peacefully in their beds, happy and healthy and for that I am so very blessed! I sure do love them but I soooo enjoy my down time while they are sleeping ;)

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