Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Back To School!!!

The kids are back in school.....No.... not all of them but in my house Rylie and Owen are "the kids"! I asked Katelin what she was and she said "a Katelin" and I asked her if that meant she wasn't a kid and she assured me she was still a kid but she's to be called Katelin! That kid (oops I mean that Katelin)............I tell ya!!!

Anyway.....Tuesday was a half day for Rylie and Owen my 4th and 1st graders, crazy crazy crazy!!! I won't know what to do with 2 of them in school all day. On our way to school Rylie said she was nervous and that she had butterflies in her tummy. Abby's in her class so that helped. Owen didn't say much but I could tell he was a little nervous. I walked them both into their classrooms, they did great even though they were nervous.
My pretty girl on her 1st day!

My big 1st grader Owen.

All ready for school.
 Wednesday was the first full day of school and the first full day for Owen ever....this had me a little bit worried. I walked them into class again today, Owen was still unsure exactly where his room was. I may walk them in another day or two but after that they will get dropped off in the car loop. I took pics again today since it was the first full day.............
So Beautiful!

Handsome guy!

Boy do I love these kids!!!

My attempt at a group picture.....didn't work out so well, they sure are cute though!
So I was very anxious for 3:30 to find out how the kids' day went.....Rylie had a great day and she LOVES her teacher, this is her last year at the elementary school (yes they send them into middle school in the 5th grade which is insane to me) but I think it will be a great year for her.

I asked Owen how he liked his full day....his response,"I hated it". I asked why?...."it was too long, I had to learn to much." He did play with the same boys he played with last year so I am glad he reconnected with his friends right away. His favorite parts of the day were "recess, the other recess and lunch". When I was tucking him in he told me that he was "barely scared" at school today.

My kids aren't exactly "social butterflies"...they are quiet in unfamiliar situations and have anxietys with certain social situations so I am so very very proud of them, I think they are doing awesome and I hope school becomes a little more fun for Owen, I was worried he would be in shock after 3 years of half day preschool and kindergarten I know the full day is quite a change.

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