Friday, August 19, 2011

Evan's 1st Birthday Party!!!

We had Evan's birthday party on Sunday (his bday was Monday) and it was awesome! Besides us and Grammy.....Brandin, Natalie and the kids came over, Mandy and Chad and their family, Amy and her boys, Monica and her family, Angie, AJ and Abby and Grandpa and Grandma Farage. 

We went with a giraffe theme and I found these adorable invitations.......

and of course the cake had to match...........
 My sweet boy with all his party stuff...........
 He even had a cute little giraffe shirt that matched everything else!!!
 He didn't get to into opening presents....lucky for him he has a big sister that was more than happy to help! He got lots of great toys and he has been playing with all of them!!!
 I love the bday parties and all of our friends and family coming to enjoy the day with's loud, chaotic and wonderful....I LOVE it!!!
 All of Grammy's grandkids.........sure do love all 7 of them!!!
Katelin kept asking me when she could have cake and I kept telling her in just a little bit, her response "I want it now" response "too bad so sad"! She wouldn't let me take a picture until I told cake until I get a picture, I got my picture right away after that!
 Evan had his own little cake (If you order a 1st bday cake from HyVee, they give you a free smash cake) is a before and after picture of Evan's smash cake! I know why they call it a smash cake!
 Mmmmmm.............this is good stuff mom........
 Love this picture of him.............
 And the Thank you cards I ordered and sent out..........he had a great day, thank you so much to everyone who helped us celebrate the first of many many birthdays for my baby boy!!!

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