Monday, August 15, 2011

Evan Wade - 1 year!

Yes, you read it sweet baby boy is 1 year old today, man time flies! I have shared all the kids' birth stories on their birthdays this year but I shared his on his 6 month blog so if you are interested you can check it out Evan's birth story.  I had him all natural and it was definitely the most painful (most likely due to him being face up instead of face down) but it was overall my best birth was such a good laid back environment!!!

We had an awesome party for him yesterday and I will share more pics from that very soon but for now....let me tell you how incredible little Evan is!!!

He loves to eat, loves to play and loves his bottle! He is weaned now and as of today he is on whole milk, no more formula.....when he sees his bottle he starts to act like a little junkie, even sucking on it long after it is empty and while playing with his toys! He says "mama" "dada" and "de du" (thank you) when you hand him something or when he hands you something. Also when he puts a phone to his ear he says "ha" (hi)!

He cries when he's told "no" and will often cover his ears too, he has 2 teeth on top and 2 on bottom with a third one coming in. When he does something and gets attention for it... he gets the biggest grin on his face and does it over and over again! He loves his daddy and loves watching daddy fix things. He has become a bit of a grammy's boy lately, he gets excited when he sees grammy! Of course he is still a Mama's boy!!!

 He loves loves loves bathtime.....and we recently took him to the pool for the first time and have gone several times since and he loves that too!!!
Evan is usually in bed and asleep by 8pm. We used to rock in his room while he drank his baba for bedtime but he would fall asleep and I need to put him to bed awake or he gets too used to being rocked to sleep so now we sit in the living room where there is more commotion and he stays awake while he drinks his bottle.....then we go to his room, rock for a minute, usually we sing "the itsy bitsy spider" then hugs and kisses and he is off to dream land for the night! He gets up usually around 7:00!
There are no words to express what a blessing my sweet baby boy has been! Happy Birthday Evan.....Mama loves you more than you will ever know, bigger than the moon, farther than the stars...forever and ever!!!!

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