Wednesday, August 10, 2011

An Old Fashioned............

Windmill Raising!!!! Ever been to one???

Yeah, I hadn't either.......we live on a deadend gravel road and at the beginning of the road is a house with an old school house next to it.....well Old Man John (as we like to call him) lives their with his wife. He is a very funny, very kind old man.....him and Chet like to shoot the breeze. He has at least 20 cats that just reproduce like crazy and the kids love to visit the cats. He keeps telling us he would keep the cute little blond, he doesn't believe us when we tell him he'd be sending her right back!

We enjoy visiting with him.....he is 80, his wife is 75 and they have been together for 60 years. They lost their only child, a daughter, to cancer several years back and have 1 granddaughter. I can tell they enjoy seeing our kiddos. Anyway.....he restored an old windmill and had a party!
 I'm not real sure how a crane/bucket truck qualifies as "old fashioned" but we'll go with it!
 The big kids weren't all that impressed and were ready to go home, it was a very very HOT day but with shade and a nice breeze it was very tolerable.
 Katelin kept herself busy with the dirt!
 Evan....well he was just all over the place but having a good time!
We didn't stay too long but I am very glad that we went! 
 A few more pics that I took....the 2nd one I edited some and thought it turned out kind of neat!

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