Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Coincidence, Great Deal or Rotten Kid??????

So not to long ago......I went to the store and bought all of the items you see in this picture! Now why in the world would someone have to buy their kiddos body wash, shampoo, conditioner, baby wash and toothpaste all at one time????

Could it just be a strange conincidence that the kids ran out of all of these items at the same time???


could it be I stumbled upon an incredible sale and just had to buy it all at the amazing price that was in front of me???


could it just happen to be that one of my sweet children got a rotten streak and did something to cause me to have to restock all of their bathroom essentials???

And if that is the case, which one of these rotten children do you think would be the culprit???
And what exactly do you think they could have done???

So leave a comment, message me, facebook me.....just let me know what you think????

And I will let you know very soon!!!!
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1 comment:

Unknown said...

Shannon--Thank God I'm not the only one that does this. As far as a darling that did it...It's a toss up between Evan and Katelin. :)

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