Thursday, May 17, 2012

Happy Birthday Katelin May 5 2012

So I had every intention to share a birthday post to my sweet girl on her 4th birthday......but life was busy and I did not get that done. However, we did have a little celebration on her birthday, of course!

I had been asking her what she wanted for her birthday and what she told me was......the baby doll that swims, the baby doll who's hair you can cut, diapers (for her dolls) and the big one.....the white puppy who has a leash and you push a button and it walks.....she really really wanted this, she could even sing the commercial! so hard!

My beautiful girl ready to open gifts (which are from us and grammy....didn't see a point in picking what gift was from who!)

The bike was a hit!

She said...."Oh, I know what this is." Well how do you know Katelin?
She says, "The box was barking!".....okay that might give it away!!!!

Love the look on her face!

She got everything she asked for except the hair cutting baby (not sure that even exist).

A little cake for her special day!

We usually go out for dinner on the kids' birthdays but we had lots going on (still working on refinishing cabinets) and when asked where she wanted to go she said Taco Bell! We did oblige her craving for taco bell the night before but we just made a simple dinner on her bday with her favorite....cole slaw....weird, I know!!!!

It's hard to believe my sweet girl is already 4......there are now words for how much I love my princess or how much laughter and love she has brought to our lives! Or how often we say...."Oh Katelin.....Why????" She is a feisty, persistant, stubborn, crazy little thing.....who most certainly keeps us on our toes!!!!!

We Love You KK......more than you will ever know!

We had her party the following weekend, it was a great day and I have lots of pics to share real soon!
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