Sunday, May 20, 2012

Mother's Day 2012

I had a great mother's day this year......I didn't open any gifts, receive any flowers or even any cards.....not that my hubby didn't think about me, he took me 3 days prior to buy a new video camera and I LOVE it!

But Mother's Day this year was spent just having a relaxing day with my favorite people!

We got up and sat outside for about 3 hours.....Daddy and Owen drove to Louisburg to get Grammy and I apple cider donuts!

Owen and Daddy played some catch.....

the little ones just played (Rylie was still sleeping)....

After our morning outside we spent some time cleaning up from Katelin's bday party the night before and then a quick photo op with my kiddos and......

this is the best we got......

most of the pics turned out more like this......

We ran a few errands (Dicks to get Owen some baseball stuff and Toys r us to get Evie a new booster chair b/c I broke his high chair). Rylie was very concerned that we were going to a place with that was called a bad word, I tried to assure her that Dick is a person's name but she still didn't like it! Then we went to Applebee's for some lunch!

When we got home I asked Daddy to try to get a better pic.....
Again this is the best we got......

the rest looked more like this (can't get good pics every time!)......

Then some more time just hanging out outside......

My best friend, really don't know what I would ever do without him.....

Kiddos playing.....

Mama playing some volleyball with the big kids.....

Evan had a blast with the hose.....

what could they be laughing at?????

This would be what they're laughing at......

and this............

Evan thought he was hot stuff with that hose.....

It was just a great day and I had a little extra reason to be especially grateful for my children this mother's day.......the day before we were getting ready for Katelin's bday party and Ev was out front with a family friend when Chet heard him yelling Evan's name. He looked up and saw Evan walking towards the gravel road and he heard a truck speeding up the hill. Evan had made it to the road and Chet was running as fast as he could but didn't think he could make it to him in time. He couldn't see the truck but could only hear it so he did the only thing he could think to do and that was whistle as loud as he could. Thank God Evan stopped and the truck hit his brakes and slowed down. I've never seen Chet so shook up over something, he says he just couldn't believe how close it was. I can't even imagine if things had turned out grateful for my husbands quick thinking, for God keeping Evan safe, for the guardian angel that was protecting him and that things turned out okay!
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