Tuesday, May 22, 2012

It's A..................


healthy, active...........




and I couldn't be happier!

Apparently I am radiating girl because of all the guesses.....4 guessed boy and 11 guessed girl!

Chet was convinced it was a boy, even claiming he'd be able to tell on the sonogram. After the sono he still said boy and I mentioned that I didn't see anything between those legs and Jeane asked if he saw 3 lines and he says, yes....it's a boy and Jeane and I both told him that the 3 lines mean girl. Then he started to worry and said he thought it must be a girl then. We peaked in the envelope when we got back to the truck and yeap.....it's a girl! He is excited to have another daughter just a little worried about the drama they bring. Her name is Kinley......not for sure on a middle name yet but have some ideas and always open for suggestions.

I don't regret finding out....that's just me, I like to be able to plan and prepare so I am so glad to know and since we couldn't agree fully on a boy's name, we no longer have to stress on it. We told the kids when we picked them up from their last day of school.....Rylie screamed in excitement, Owen said he was mad and Katelin has decided the newborn baby girl, as she calls her, can sleep with her and she will put a cardboard box with a blanket next to her bed so she won't get hurt if she falls out of bed. She also had a meltdown today because noone likes the name Seera (which is a name she invented) and that is what she wants to name the newborn baby. I told her we would keep the name in mind.

Our household all thought it was a boy until about 2 days ago I started feeling very strongly that it was a girl.....guess my mama's intuition kicked in.

That will make 4 girls and 4 boys......3 girls and 2 boys still at home......all I can say is I feel very blessed to have such an amazing family and can't wait to meet my baby girl!
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