Saturday, May 26, 2012

Evan Wade 1 1/2

Well a big fat fail for mama.....I never did an 18 month post for Evan so we are just summing this up as 1 1/2!

What an amzing little boy I have.....and when I say boy I mean all boy! He loves cars, trucks, balls, tools and his daddy!

He will sit on the floor playing with cars making all the car sounds. If we drive by a construction site, he says "mama look" over and over and over again.

He loves to throw and catch the ball and he will catch about half of what is thrown to him and man does he have a good throw for his age. Of course if you make him mad....he will throw whatever he is holding which has included my camera, luckily it did not break.

If he gets hurt he usually just needs to come get a quick hug from mama and he is all better.

He also has to give everyone kisses before going to bed with his pillow, blanket and puppy.

He loves, loves, loves to be outside and we have to keep the screen door locked or the front door shut or he will escape. When he escapes he looks back at you smiles and runs.....I really think that he thinks he can outrun us.

He adores his older siblings even Katelin who picks on him, you always know she is irritating him when you hear chimpanzee noises coming from the other room.

He is sooo much like his daddy.

He sighs like him.

He has OCD like him. He points to lights if they're left on, points to cabinet doors left open, shuts closet doors, he even had to pick up a couple of cans of pop that were laying sideways in the fridge so they were upright. He should always have a clean room!!!

And he loves "helping" daddy if he is fixing or working on something!

He has a rapidly growing vocabulary.

Mama, dada and grammy were among his first words, now he says so much but what we hear most (no), okay, KK (for katelin), OO (for Owen), Rah Rah (for Rylie), outsi (outside), fa (fall), bye (which always comes with a wave), ki (kiss), ba ba, blalala (that's what he calls his pillow), go, sit (usually he is patting the spot he wants you to sit), duh (done when he wants out of his highchair), buk (buckle), hot, bro (broke), baby and so much more.....a lot of it I know he knows what he is saying, we just haven't figured it out yet!

If you ask him if he is poopy, he will turn around look at and pat his butt and smile.

He thinks it is funny to fart while I am changing his diaper.

He will get mad run to his room, slam his door and come out a few minutes later with a smile on his face.

He is the cuddliest of my babies, he will just sit on your lap and cuddle or lay his little head on your shoulder.

He found the container of Owen's old geotrax trains and that is his new favorite toy.....Loves them!

He is sneaky, onery, easy going,  a little comedian, outgoing and boy do we love him. He brings so much happiness to our lives! And the pictures are not from a bad professional photographer, they are ones that I took....I have lots to learn but i'm hoping to get to where I can take all the kids pics myself....not too bad for an amateur. And the log chair in the last two is special because his daddy made it!!!
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1 comment:

Unknown said...

Shannon-Another great post. The pics are pretty good!! The inside ones are tricky. Trust me. After taking pictures for others for a few years now...I'm not what I would call professional...but that's what I hear others say. I still dread some of the inside shoots! The outside ones are so much more natural!

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