Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Happy Halloween 2012!

Another halloween has come and gone, of course this one was special because it was someone's very first halloween.....i'm pretty sure she will enjoy it much more in the years to come but mama had some fun with sweet little Kinley!

After I finished dolling up my girl we headed up to the kid's school for their "fall" party and "vocab" parade (since you can't celebrate halloween at school they have a vocab parade during the fall party)!

Owen as "Batman" or as Evan calls him bat bat!

Katelin in her preschool classroom!

See the Hulk....yeah that little dude terrified my Evan, tears streaming down his face as he tried to hide behind me and latched on to me. Poor little guy, he was seriously terrified!

Kinley hanging out in her carseat lookin so cute and precious!

She got out of her pretty outfit and into comfy cute jammies to go trick or treating, luckily it was warm enough for her to go with us....she was snug in her wrap and her cute little bear hat! Guess we could say she was a bear for halloween!

Evan was a firefighter, I love the little suspenders....he got lots of comments on his costume. He makes a pretty adorable fireman if I do say so myself!!!!

My beautiful Minnie Mouse, she wanted to be Doc McStuffins but we had trouble finding what we needed so we went with Minnie.....I think she looks adorable!!!

Dun nun nun nuh Dun nun nun nuh.....Batman! My superhero.....he really is ya know! I was in a difficult place when my Owen was born and he helped bring me out of that back then so he's always been my little hero....Love this Kid!

And my Beauty....Rylie Jo. She is bloody Mary....and a mighty gorgeous one! Her and Abby did an awsome job putting their outfits together.....this child has such a creative mind in her pretty little head!

What's scarier than 1 bloody mary......2 of them.....

The whole gang before we left to go trick or treating!

My Kiddos.....

Chet, Angie and I took the kids around Angie's was a gorgeous night, the kids got lots of candy and had a lot of fun. They are now all sound asleep and their mama is exhausted and ready to join them. I hope everyone had a fun and safe halloween!!!!
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Friday, October 26, 2012


So this little girl has no shortage of pictures taken of her, here are some of the professional ones she has already had done:

They sure have come a long way with the kind of pics they take in the hospital.....she was a day and a half old in these!


Then at 12 days old we went and had some newborn pics done, we were there for 4 hours and Kinley did great! She slept almost the whole time even while being posed and reposed!
Is this not the sweetest little face EVER?????
Already workin the pouty lip!
My little pumpkin baby!
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Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Pumpkin Patch!

So on Sunday we went to the pumpkin was a beautiful day for it!

We started with a family phot op....these were the best two:

Kinley looks so itty bitty that you'll miss her if you don't really look!

We went through the "haunted" barn and Ry insisted on taking pics!

A big pumpkin spitting Katelin out....guess he thought she was rotten.

On the bus.

My monsters.....

The little ones LOVED the train!

My kiddos....

Playing in the dirt....he was kinda in a mood, this was probably his favorite part.

And this is how Kinley rolls.....

*sigh* how beautiful is she?!?!?!

Walking across the tire dragon.....

A little over halfway she got nervous and I had to help her down!

Mr. I don't want to do anything but stand here.

Down the slide they go.....

Grammy with a couple of her girls!

Mama and daddy!

Time to pick pumpkins.....

I told them as long as they could carry it then they could get it.....

He barely got this one......

They wanted to buy one of these but we said no!
So this is what we ended up pumpkin carving this weekend!

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