Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Pumpkin Patch!

So on Sunday we went to the pumpkin was a beautiful day for it!

We started with a family phot op....these were the best two:

Kinley looks so itty bitty that you'll miss her if you don't really look!

We went through the "haunted" barn and Ry insisted on taking pics!

A big pumpkin spitting Katelin out....guess he thought she was rotten.

On the bus.

My monsters.....

The little ones LOVED the train!

My kiddos....

Playing in the dirt....he was kinda in a mood, this was probably his favorite part.

And this is how Kinley rolls.....

*sigh* how beautiful is she?!?!?!

Walking across the tire dragon.....

A little over halfway she got nervous and I had to help her down!

Mr. I don't want to do anything but stand here.

Down the slide they go.....

Grammy with a couple of her girls!

Mama and daddy!

Time to pick pumpkins.....

I told them as long as they could carry it then they could get it.....

He barely got this one......

They wanted to buy one of these but we said no!
So this is what we ended up pumpkin carving this weekend!

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1 comment:

Unknown said...

Love all the pics Shannon! This is my favorite holiday after all!!!

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