Monday, October 22, 2012

Corkscrew Willows!

That would be the name of the trees in the back of Chet's truck. They are branches from a job he did and you are supposed to be able to plant the branches and grow a new tree!

So daddy went to work digging some holes!

and planting some trees (he planted 4 of them).

Rylie and Owen offered some assisstance.

Well at least when she wasn't holding her baby sister!

She enjoyed hanging out was a beautiful day!

Rylie showed off some of her talents.

Evan cruised around on his bike (photo credit:Owen Farage)

Love this pic Owen captured of Katelin and Evan playing!

The princess put on her shoes herself and she didn't want to take the time to find ones that matched or even to find a shoe for her right foot.....silly girl!

Picking the berries off the cedar tree!

Posing by the first tree daddy planted.

Hmmmm......I guess Owen is supervising!

He loves his new bike, he had definitely outgrown his old one!

Gotta love this kids smile:)

Owen took this pic of daddy, not sure what he was doing....pondering his thoughts? sniffing the fresh air? watching a plane fly by? who knows with this man but it made me laugh when I saw it, one of the many reasons I love this man....he makes me laugh when he's not even trying!

And one more pic by my son....just capturing a and dad talking, Evan cruising, bikes all ove the yard! When we bought the kids the bikes, daddy told them he doesn't want to see the bikes just thrown on the ground, they have kickstands for a reason.....well Owen listened and his is always on it's kickstand but Rylie......that girl just lets things go in one ear and out the other....see where her bike is?

And the next day....Evie helped daddy put pea gravel around the trees, he pushed his dump truck from tree to tree....too cute!
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1 comment:

Unknown said...

Love all the pics! Owen seems to have a talent with the camera!

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