Wednesday, October 17, 2012

2 Weeks

I can't believe it's already been 2 weeks, actually 2 weeks and 2 days.....crazy! She is my little angel....just as sweet as can be!

Our first night at home and daddy finally got some good snuggle time with Kinley. It seems like whenever he was at the hospital there were either visitors or he had the kiddos with him and they were Kinley hogs so he really didn't get to hold her a lot the first few days! 

Cuddling with their baby sister on her first morning at home, they sure do love her! The big kids didn't want to go to school but they had to. How has it been adjusting to a new baby at home? It just feels like she is where she belongs, it's been a pretty easy transition for me and the kids all seem to be handling it great.....she was just meant to be a part of our family! And I have amazed my husband with my ability breastfeed one handedly while up making lunches and packing book bags!

4 days old and looking like a little angel! The pictures just don't do justice on how teeny tiny she is, I loved my chunky little babies but it's been 10 years since I had one on the smaller side (Rylie was 7lbs 4 oz and the others were all close to 8 or 9 pounds) so i'm eating up her teeny tinyness!!!!

Day 5 she woke up with gunk in her right eye so we went to the pediatricians office and she had an eye infection. It got really red and swollen but the meds cleared it up right away. She weighed in at 6lbs 8 oz. so she was up from 6lbs 3 oz when we left the hospital! 

Safe and sound in Daddy's there really any safer place to be?

Daddy giving her her first bottle, she did great with it. My babies tend to reject the bottle so i'm starting her our early like I did with Evan so she is used to taking one!

One week old and lounging in her swing!

I'm used to chunky little legs and this sweet girl has chicken legs, she also has the longest fingers and toes. Her umbilical cord stump fell off when she was 10 days old.

9 days this little outfit with the leg warmers, and her beautiful bright eyes!

11 days and I can only assume she is learning to block out all the noise from those crazy kids that keep wanting to hold her and kiss her and talk to her.....all. the. time.

One day shy of 2 weeks, hanging out in her crib for the first time watching her mobile. She has a little bed next to our bed which she will sleep in some but she often ends up cuddling up with mama to sleep (and yes I keep blankets away from her and am practicing safe co sleeping so she is safe).

Rylie took this pic of her smiling....she was very proud to capture this on camera.

My amazing, beautiful kiddos.....sometimes I think I need to pinch myself, how blessed am I that all 5 of these kiddos belong to me.....Chet and I create some amazing little people!!!!!

And see how sweet they look, well........

this may be a more accurate portrayal of them!!!! Goofy and crazy and perfect!

2 weeks old! Went in for her checkup and she was weighing 7lbs 2oz (25%) 20 in. long (50%) and her head was up to 14 in (50%) from 12 3/4 inches at birth. She does have a small umbilical cord hernia but will most likely outgrow it by age 2. Other than that she is doing great. They want them back to birth weight by 2 weeks and she was above so she must be getting all she needs from breastfeeding!

Kinley loves to be held (and maybe her mama loves to hold her too, like all. the. time.) so my moby wrap has come in handy so I can get some things done all while cuddling my girl!

Yesterday was a beautiful day so Kinley got to spend some time outside while the other kids played and daddy planted some trees!

Her mama sure is in love with her newest baby girl!

Exhausted after hanging out outside.

And today I (and the whole crew....Chet and kids) went to see Jeane. She says my incision looks great and I can begin increasing my activity. My weight is just 3 lbs above my pre pregnancy weight, so now I just need to lose the extra I had when I got pregnant! And she confirmed what I thought....Kinley, most likely, would not have survived a vaginal birth. I felt my eyes tear up when she said this....there are no words for how grateful I am that there are options such as a c-section for these kind of situations. Jeane told me again that it broke her heart she couldn't VBAC me especially since I have such awesome vaginal births and have been so successful in the past. But she said her cord was short plus being wrapped around her neck so tightly that they had to untangle it from around her neck before they could deliver her. So there just wasn't enough cord for her to come down and she would have probably been strangled had we not done the THANK YOU to modern medicine!!!!! I go back in 4 weeks for my regular check up and I have to drink the nasty glucose drink to verify the diabetes is gone and after that I will have to be checked for diabetes every 3-5years. I will miss seeing Jeane on a regular basis.....guess i'll just have to keep having these babies.....Just Kidding!  I am so in love with little Kinley and so grateful for my 5 beautiful healthy kids....who could ask for more?!?!?
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