Saturday, October 13, 2012

A few days in the hospital....

Since I had the c-section I had to stay 3 days instead of just 2! The first 24 hours was a bit rough because they wouldn't let me shower, stand or eat until I hit the 24 hour mark. I also had to leave in the IV and catheter until then too. Plus I was in a lot of pain so it was a little rough but I had lots of time to just look at and hold my new baby girl!

Welcome to the world Kinley!

Just a few hours old, love the little hat the nurses put on her!

A very proud Mama and Daddy!

Chet was going to bring the kiddos up to meet their sister on the day she was born but she got here much later than expected so they came up the next morning! She was in the nursery being checked out when they got there and Katelin had to go to her dental appointment before she got back in the room.

All but Katelin admiring the newest Farage kid!

My 3 brown headed kiddos!

They sure do love their new makes my heart happy!

The first picture of my 5 amazing and beautiful kids...

and our first family photo!

Grammy and Kinley.....sure do appreciate Grammy running herself ragged taking care of my kiddos while I was in the hospital.....not sure what we would do without her!

Amy and Kinley.....a big shout out to Amy for coming to the rescue twice when we needed someone to watch the kiddos. I had things all set up for the day I was supposed to be induced but when my water broke 3 days before that I wasn't prepared!

Mandy and Christopher posing with Kinley!

The Lazenby clan loving on my girl! Aunt Natty made her some really cute little tutu's!

It's always nice when Jeane comes to visit after the births of the babies, kinda get a chance to chit chat and reflect on the birth experience! I know she felt bad that I wasn't able to VBAC again but look at my beautiful healthy baby.....that's really all that matters, not how she got here!

Look at those sweet little smiles.....I sooo love her!

Ready to go home.....Daddy left work to come pick us up and take us home!

It's been 12 days since Kinley was born and she is just a perfect little angel! I am starting to feel better, it's hard not to be able to pick up the other kiddos or just do a lot of the normal everyday things. I've had about an inch of my incision that has really been bothering me but the past few days it seems to be feeling much better. I have permission to start driving again this coming week but with all my kiddos and all the stuff that has to get done.....I have driven a few times already but I think it was fine. I've pretty much quit taking all the pain meds. I've had a lot of comments from people who can't believe i'm up moving around so well after major surgery but with 5 kiddos it is kind of hard to slow down too much. It hasn't been to stressful to add a new family member, I know a lot of people find it a big adjustment but with all my babies it just felt natural when the new one came home, just like they are right where they belong!
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1 comment:

Unknown said...

Isn't it funny how easily they just fit into the chaos of everyday? Love all the pics!

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