Saturday, July 20, 2013

Big Sis, Lil Sis.....

So I think I have mentioned how much Kinley LOVES her bis sister Rylie, she will seriously cry, like throw a fit crying when Rylie gives her back to me. Or she will follow Rylie crying because she wants Rylie to hold her. And sometimes when Rylie will try to give her to me she swats me away and grabs on to Ry.

So when Rylie went away with Abby for 4 days, they were soooo excited to see each other again.
rylie wanted to get her out of her carseat!

And Kinley hugged her tight.

It was a very sweet moment!

And my girls were happy!!!!

I found some more sweet pics on my phone that Rylie had taken of her and Kinley.....
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1 comment:

Unknown said...

This will always be a special bond between those two. Makes this momma's heart smile!

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