Friday, July 19, 2013

Kinley Ryann 9 months

Once again I am behind on posting this because this little beauty of mine hit the 9 month mark on the first of the month! But (not mentioning any names) a certain 5 year old dropped my computer off of a top bunk and it broke and I haven't put photoshop on our new one yet so her 9 month pics are unedited but even unedited her beauty shines through!

This little girl is growing up way to fast......

at 9 months she weighs 20lbs 3oz (75%-90%) and is 29 inches (90%-95%)

She doesn't just crawl but she crawls fast.....

she is pulling herself up on things and just starting to walk along them.....

she will stand without holding onto anything until she realizes she isn't holding onto anything!

She is babbling more and more and loves to wave. At first we thought is was just a fluke but everytime she waves she says "Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa"......i'm pretty darn sure she is trying to say Hi, so we are officially going with that as her first word!

She also loves to play peek a boo!

She is a mama's girl, never too far away from me but she gets super excited when daddy comes home and she still loves her big sis Rylie, often crying when Rylie gives her back to me.

We are done with baby food, she loves table food so much more. Carrots are her favorite right now but she loves green beans and mashed potatos.  She can wear 9 month or 12 month clothes and is in size 3 diaper still.  I have to sneak bows on her head or she rips them right off.

Her little personality is really starting to shine through and boy do we love our little monkey. Which has become her nickname along with Kinbear and Kin Kin!!!!!!
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1 comment:

Unknown said...

So stinkin' sweet!

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