Friday, July 12, 2013

Katelin's Dance Recital!

Katelin did another year of dance this year, I am getting ready to sign her up to start in the fall again and remembered I hadn't yet posted her recital pics.

Last year, if you remember, she would not do the recital. Last minute she got overwhelmed and wouldn't go. It was crazy so I don't blame her. This year it was at the high school instead of on KU's campus and it was more organized and less crazy and she did GREAT!

The day before we had to get in full get up for the dress rehersal.....

gotta love the photo bomber.....

While Katelin was in the back for rehersal I spent like 4 long hours with the boys and Kinley in the high school cafeteria. They did pretty good, loved when Owen helped Evan with his puzzle.

The recital went good, the boys went to Aunt Natty's so we just had Kinley with us and she did pretty good.

Katelin was the prancin' poodles so we got her flowers and a little poodle. 

I'm soooo proud of her.....she did AWESOME!!!!!

and she loved her poodle as soon as we got home she made her a house!

So were looking forward to another year of tap, ballet and gymnastics!
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1 comment:

Unknown said...

WAY TO GO Katelin!

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