Wednesday, May 14, 2014

April Leftovers!

A picture Katelin drew of her friend Ella and herself!
Showing their school pride with their Nike shirts!

She loves balls so she was a happy girl when mama bought her a 3 pack!
Friday night entertainment....drawing on mama's belly!
She decided to go a little shorter with her hair.....I love it and so does she!!!! 
Birthday party for our friend Emily.....the kids liked the monster truck......

even Rylie had some fun!
Another pic with her new do and her shades!
Kinley, Saylor and Evan!!!!
They were so good at dinner they got ice cream cones (we were even complemented by another customer on their behavior)....

Kinley was really happy about it!
Xander taking notes on how to pee outside....

and he seems to have figured it out!
Daddy's girl!

Daddy's cougar! 
Xan and Ev....scrub a dub dub! 
She loves wearing shoes, boots whatever and whoevers! 
I made her sit in the chair and not on the table....I can be so mean!!!!

Teenage Mutant Ninja Kinley!
Katelin Jolie!

At the doctor she got 3 shots and hardly shed a tear! 
Chet and :I had a date night and this girl insisted on doing my hair, makeup and nails! 

Playing at the park during Katelin's soccer practice.
My one and only true love.....i'm a lucky girl!!! 
Lunch at Culver's!

Another use of duct tape....I ran out of scotch tape.

And Kinley discovered even another use....wish the older kids would do this sometimes!!!! (Just kidding....sorta)
My sweet him! 
My big kids! 

Girls playing T-ball!
There are the rest of my April pics.....I think I will have lots and lots for May!!!!!

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