Thursday, May 8, 2014

Twas the night before Easter....

and what did we do?????
we dyed easter eggs!
and things like this always bring lots of emotions!!! 
It was mostly smiles and laughs but there were a few tears....Kinley because she couldn't throw and crack the eggs and Katelin because Kinley got ahold of an egg or two....but nothing a little popcicle couldn't fix!!!

She was so happy to get ahold of an egg, she would hold it out and say "huuuuuuuuuuh"!

These 3 liked the funny faces, Rylie was trying to look like her egg!
I finally convinced Katelin we had plenty of eggs and not to be too upset over the couple that Kinley cracked! 
Evan didn't mind the cracked fact, I think he preferred them! 
He just went ahead and decorated it!
Owen with his egg mob!
She made a ford egg for daddy! 
Rylie and Owen created an egg mob!!!! 
All the kids' eggs....they did such a good job! 

I later opened up the fridge and found these two hanging out!!!!

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