Thursday, May 1, 2014

Kinley and Evan......

the littlest of my littles (for the next 2 weeks anyway)!
I have a few hours in the afternoons when it is just me and these two, usually Kinley naps during that time but not always. This was early March and it was a nice day so we played outside for a bit and they cheesed it up for the camera....
Mom's taking a picture.....cheeeeeese!
He always wants to hug her and she is always pushing him away!

My onery adorable Evie!

He was posing for mom, he doesn't aways cooperate when I take pictures but this day he did!!!!
Oh and he wanted to wear 2 different shoes, that is his new thing. There have even been a time or two it was a sandal and a tennis shoe.....I have to pick my battles and this is not one I care to have so if he wants to wear 2 different shoes than I let him!
Love this sweet face!
Sure hope they adjust when there is a littler little than them, Evan is excited and well Kinley.....she has no idea and I don't think she is going to like it but we will see soon enough!!!

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