Wednesday, May 7, 2014

March leftovers!

A quick dinner out at a little restaurant here in Gardner!

When we thought Chet might be going out of town for a month or more we sat down and told the kids and Katelin got really really upset. Rylie was there to comfort her, luckily he ended up not going!

We went to church with our neighbor up the road one Sunday morning!
 Going for a ride in the jeep!
My blue eyed girl!
My littles dressed up and eating popcicles!

My handsome O man!
Wearing her shades!
Owning a business means the bosses work is never done, Chet working on some saws!

Driving daddy's truck, she even has her seat belt on!
Kinley cuddling and eating popcicles with her bub!
Going for a ride!
Daddy and daughter sound asleep!
Katelin dressed her up!
Wearing his "tux"
Such a poser!
Enjoying the nice weather!
5 bumps on a log!

Boys will be boys.....which means the occasional black eye!
Owen had to make a gas station for school, we got a little help from legos!

Daddy and Kinley!
Squeaky clean!
My pretty pretty princess!

These boys together = Rotten!

Squishy face!
This is how he swings!

Chet gave them each a blower and put them to work!


Look at that face!
She didn't want me taking a picture!

They play on the swing set a lot!
For a long time this kid refused to pee outside (we do live in the country)....then one day he finally did and now it's a very common thing!

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