Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Katelin's 6th Birthday!!!!!

So May 5 2014 my beautiful blue eyed girl turned 6! Her best friend Ella turned 6 six days before Katelin so they invited us to join in on her birthday party at the dance studio and have a joint party. They invited 4 of their friends and all but one were able to make it!
My birthday girl!
The cakes turned out so so cute!
The girls got to dance, dress up, put on make up, hear a story and make a craft....they all had a great time! 
The birthday girls......these two have become such good little friends!  
The other kids were there too, they ran around in one of the other dance rooms and Rylie was mad so she hid in the bathroom for most of the party. See owen's piece of cake....he had me cut a piece with the head so he could eat Katelin's head!!!!
The party was on Sunday the 4th so Monday was Katelin's actual birthday, after school we have gymnastics then soccer then Owen has baseball at 7:30 so she had to wait until 8:30 to do her presents and cake.
Katelin's ice cream cake! 
Mom and dad got her a kindle she was super excited! 
Grammy got her a set of princesses and their prince charmings.....she loves it. She also got her new jammies and some barbies and Barbie clothes!!!!! 
Grandma and Grandpa in Idaho sent her gift in the mail...... 
They sent her an easel, Katelin said "I know why they picked this gift because Grandma calls me an artist!" 
She loves it and the really cool colored pencils they sent that are carved out of wood!
Nanny always mails the kids a card with $25, this card had princesses on it with jewelry you can decorate and punch out.....she said it was the coolest card ever!
Thank you so much to everyone who help made Katelin's birthday a special one, she was so happy and excited to receive all the birthday wishes whether it was coming to celebrate with us, sending her a card, calling to talk to her and for all the wonderful gifts! She is such a special girl and deserves to have a special birthday and the people who love her most made that happen :)

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