Sunday, October 31, 2010

Happy Halloween!!!!

We had a great halloween......all the kids dressed up as pirates this year. I didn't think they would all do a theme and dress alike but we picked out Katelins costume and Rylie wanted to be the same. Owen wasn't on board until he found out we would buy him a sword and he was all about being a pirate. We went to a halloween party at my friend Amy's last night and went trick or treating with Rylies best friend Abby and her parents around her neighborhood.  Living in the country means no trick or treating around our house.

My little pirates this is the best picture I got of the four kids because..........

one of my little pirates was in a very grumpy mood and not even bribery would make her smile!
                                              My little mama loving on our little Evan.
                                             Owen and the sword that sold him on the costume.
 Katelin in a better mood, she is my little candy lover and kept saying "momma, i'm getting a lot of candy!" I don't think she knew what to think about ringing all these door bells and people just giving her candy. She didn't want to quit, I think she would have gone all night if we let her!
 Evan slept the whole time we were out (about an hour and a half), he had his snowsuit, was in a sling against me and had a blanket so he was nice and cozy the whole time.
                                                 The entire crew at the end of the night.
  The kids got a ridiculous amount of candy, notice the little hand in the bottom right corner, i'm sure noone could guess who's hand that is,lol. Sadly she didn't get to eat anymore, i'm not one of those moms who let my kids go crazy with their candy. It will be put up and given out in small quantity here and there until one day several months down the road I throw away what is left.

 My sweet little Evan on his 1st halloween, no costume for him this year just a few cute halloween outfits!

                                               The cutest little pumpkin butt i've ever seen.

I wish I could say this was Katelin all tuckered out after a busy day but this is how we found her before we went trick or treating, and now it's nearly 11:00, the big kids are sound asleep but not my Katelin! That power nap and her sugar high have her going strong. I hope everyone had a great halloween, i'm going to go and get my little pirate to bed now.

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