Thursday, February 16, 2012

Monster Jam!

Abby's dad AJ was nice enought to hook us up with some Monster Jam tickets on Friday night and it was a lot of fun. We had great seats.

Grammy kept Evan so we didn't have to wrangle an 18 month old for the evening so.....thank you Grammy!
Katelin spent a lot of time like this but she had fun......

The trucks put on a great show.....

and the kids had a blast.....

So thank you AJ.....we very much appreciate it!

Now if only those events would be a little more reasonable on some of their prices......$15 for 1 sno order to get my kids sno cones.....$45.....needless to say.....they went without sno cones for the night!
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Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Nature Walk # 2

So after Owen's birthday party Abby, Payton and Shaun all wanted to spend the night so they did and Chet told them we would go on a nature walk on Sunday and they did not forget.

Payton, Abby and Rylie

Daddy had to carry Evan up and down the steep hills....

They got to pet the neighbor's horses....

Evan liked waving to the horses....

Me and Daddy!

Heading home.....

Evan had it made.....and trust me that is a steep hill! And Evan has insisted on bringing the basketball with us....he carried it at the beginning of the walk and the end of the walk....guess who got to carry it during mid walk???   Yeap that would be mama!

Johnny kitty followed us on the entire walk!

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Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Happy Valentine's Day!!!

I decided to be crafty this year and made the kids valentines day cards! I did all the hard work and then they got to put their names on them......

We made butterflys for Katelin to share with her dance friends.....

I made Owls for Rylie to share with her class.....

and bugs in a jar for Owen's class......
Chet and I ended up staying up tying dental floss around them because the two sided tape and hot glue gun was not keeping them on there!

Rylie took a self portrait at her party....goofball..... and her valentine box we made turned out super cute.....

Owen made a couple valentine hearts at school and Katelin got to make a butterfly while at his party.....

We got each of the kids a little bag with some candy and bubbles in it......

Chet and I don't celebrate valentines day (I tend to think it is just a silly money making holiday) but he cheated this year and brought me my favorite flowers and a card and I LOVE them......

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O-meisters Birthday Party!!!

His Invitation:
We had a pirate party and here is the cake.......

and the pinata before it was smashed to smithereens.....

It's amazing how much kids LOVE the pinata but what's not to love they get to beat something to a pulp and then get candy!!!

We made sure there was plenty of candy to go around!

And what was left of the pirate ship.....

My wonderful Birthday boy......I love him sooooo much!

Owen with his friends.....
He got lots of great presents, he's a lucky little boy....

We had his party at the civic center so we were able to get a bounce house.....

play some basketball.....

We even played tug of war....

the boys won the first round....
then the adults stepped aside and the girls.....

clobbered them boys!

We sent everybody home with a pirate treasure box!
It was a fun time, i'm glad my boy had a great celebration!

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Monday, February 13, 2012

365 Photo Challenge Week 6

Rylie being a goof!
Katelin with her lifesaver gummies!
Evan trying to take his shoe off!

Daddy opened the window so they could watch for me and the kids to get home!
Owen has his music program at school, I really had to zoom in to get close up so it is kinda fuzzy. He wasn't happy about being a butterfly and I couldn't find green sweats so daddy's idea was to get gray ones and dye them and it worked!
Mom....look at my straw, she was really proud of it!
Daddy and Owen shooting the bb gun out the window!
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