Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Shrinky Dinks....

We decided to have a family fun night that involved shrinky dinks
and sharpies!

Daddy even put plywood on our kitchen table to give us a good work space!

Not only did we color our shrinky dinks but we colored all over the plywood!

The kids definitely get their artist skills from Daddy.....

I drew the flower....the same flower i've been drawing for probably 20 years....it's about all I can do so after that I started to doodle the kids names and birthdays. See the cat face....Rylie drew....talented like her Daddy!

Rylie also traced the phone and Owen did a little army scene with an airplane and truck!

Another scene Owen did....see the stick figure with the red bow and red pitchfork....i'm wondering if that is supposed to be Katelin and he is implying she is a little devil child (because trust me....her devilish side definitely comes out often and it's often directed towards the big kids!)


We all had a lot of fun....I think Daddy and I may have had a bit more fun with the shrinky dinks....we were up until after midnight working on them with no kids!
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