Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Nature Walk #1

So last Monday was a beautiful day and my kiddos talked me into letting them skip school....not something I do often but a gorgeous day in January so I did. And we decided to take a nature walk through the backyard into the neighbors property and down by the creek.

Running around the pond.
See the twig in the water shaped like in O....Owen spotted that and pointed it out to us!

When you gotta gotta go.....

Owen found this leaf and gave it to's as big as her head!

My pretty girl!

He wanted to walk by himself and he took a few tumbles....can you tell???

Walking down our gravel road.....
Throwing rocks into the creek.....

Evan really really liked throwing rocks down there....I kept holding on to his jeans because I was afraid he would go over.....the boy has no fear!

He carried this little blue ball almost the entire walk until he threw it in the creek....then the other kids threw big rocks at it until they got it to go through the bridge and out the other side. They were so excited about it!

Back at home after our walk!
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