Thursday, February 2, 2012

7 years ago today.....

I was holding my brand new bouncing baby boy....Owen Andrew Farage and he has been bringing love and happiness to our lives every day since.....I shared his birth story last year so if you want to read it then click here!

His first couple of weeks were a little rough when him and Rylie got RSV but he is one tough little guy and after 10 days at Children's Mercy came home happy and healthy.....
1st Birthday....he'd been walking for about a month and was ready to take on the world!

2nd on his way to being a rough and tumble little boy, talking and keeping up with his sister!
I am missing about 6 months worth of pictures from my computer from 2008 so I will have to find the disk with birthday # 3 but this was the year he became a big brother, stated preschool and LOVED wocolate milk (at least thats how he said it)!

4th Birthday....the year he got his gator and man did he get our money's worth of that thing, he drove it all fo the time!

5th boy started kindergarten this year, starting to get so grown up!

6th birthday....he loves army and he was thrilled when his oldest brother came to his party in his army gear and he was so happy to be a big brother again and this time to have a baby brother!

And now my sweet boy is 7.....he still loves army stuff, Xbox, legos, basketball and adores his baby brother. A big 1st grader now and is still bringing Love and happiness into our lives every single day!


We love you O make us proud!!!
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