Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Happy Valentine's Day!!!

I decided to be crafty this year and made the kids valentines day cards! I did all the hard work and then they got to put their names on them......

We made butterflys for Katelin to share with her dance friends.....

I made Owls for Rylie to share with her class.....

and bugs in a jar for Owen's class......
Chet and I ended up staying up tying dental floss around them because the two sided tape and hot glue gun was not keeping them on there!

Rylie took a self portrait at her party....goofball..... and her valentine box we made turned out super cute.....

Owen made a couple valentine hearts at school and Katelin got to make a butterfly while at his party.....

We got each of the kids a little bag with some candy and bubbles in it......

Chet and I don't celebrate valentines day (I tend to think it is just a silly money making holiday) but he cheated this year and brought me my favorite flowers and a card and I LOVE them......

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