Tuesday, February 14, 2012

O-meisters Birthday Party!!!

His Invitation:
We had a pirate party and here is the cake.......

and the pinata before it was smashed to smithereens.....

It's amazing how much kids LOVE the pinata but what's not to love they get to beat something to a pulp and then get candy!!!

We made sure there was plenty of candy to go around!

And what was left of the pirate ship.....

My wonderful Birthday boy......I love him sooooo much!

Owen with his friends.....
He got lots of great presents, he's a lucky little boy....

We had his party at the civic center so we were able to get a bounce house.....

play some basketball.....

We even played tug of war....

the boys won the first round....
then the adults stepped aside and the girls.....

clobbered them boys!

We sent everybody home with a pirate treasure box!
It was a fun time, i'm glad my boy had a great celebration!

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