Monday, February 6, 2012

You might be the child of a redneck if......

you look like this....
if your covering up in the front yard after taking care of business (honestly, she was just playing in the dirt not pottying in the dirt though nothing would surprise me with this child).....

your playing on a mound of mulch in your backyard (this would also apply to you might be the child of a tree trimmer if.....)

your cooking your dinner over an open fire in your driveway......

this is your so called "hayride" (the credit here has to go to my good friend Monica's husband Jeremey....very creative and the kids had a blast.)

you practice your spelling words on the windows ( a very effective way to practice his words and he gets to clean the windows when he's done)

your a 3 year old aspiring tattoo artist.....

and you practice on your 1 year old brother....

your dad does this when he is bored.....

and he ends up creating this
(this also applies to a child of a tree trimmer).....

your playground is actually a snow plow.....

you are 1 with a mexican mustache and gotee......

one more view.....

your a 1 year old with plumbers butt.....

and last but not pick your nose at the dinner table.....

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