Friday, June 29, 2012

Olathe Tree Tee's.....

We recently ordered some new t-shirts for our business...Olathe Tree Service and they turned out awesome, we got each of the kids one and they are so proud to wear them!


And we didn't forget baby cute is this????

Chet wants her to wear it home from the hospital but it will still be a bit big so he may be out of luck on that one!!!!
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Thursday, June 28, 2012

The Pool!!!!

This year we got a pool pass for the first time, in the past it has just been to hard to take my kids to the pool....they weren't real comfortable in the water so I would have 2 or 3 kids clinging to me and it was no fun. Last year I did private swim lessons for Rylie and Owen and what a difference it made on their comfort level in the water!

So this year we have been going at least 1 to 2 times a week. About half the time Daddy is able to go with us which we love but the other half I just take them myself!

Ready for swimming!

Here we are heading to the pool on a special day.....

it was Father's Day and we are so lucky to have the best Daddy we could ever ask for!!!!

It's not always easy to get pics of the big kids because they are always on the go when were at the pool but i've managed to get some.....

Rylie Jo....usually daddy will go to the big pool with her for a bit when he is with us!

Owen....always on the go but he stays where he can touch and checks in with us.

Katelin...she loves the curvy slide in the kid area, she will go down it over and over and over again. soon as we pull in the parking lot he gets super excited because he knows where were at!

He always remembers where are stuff is and every so often he will go over to our stuff and get a towel and wipe his face.

And sometimes he wraps himself up and comes back to the pool and leaves his towel on the edge!

Follow the leader?!?!?

Not sure what she is looks like the running man!!!!

And if I am lucky this is what they look like on our way home......

all wore out and ready for sleep!!!!
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Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Powerwheels's Crash......

So which kid do you think is responsible for this????

Rylie has definitely outgrown these, so has Owen but he will still hop in and drive them around but they move rather slowly.... so Katelin is the main driver and Evan LOVES to ride shotgun!
They cruise all around no problem until......Katelin hops out and Evan decides he can take it for a spin.....he just doesn't quite have the concept down and he gunned it right over this wall and flipped it!

Now I was out of view when this happened but I heard Grammy in a panick yelling Evan's name and let me tell have never seen a 6 month pregnant woman run so fast and jump a rock wall like I did. I could see the flipped over jeep but could not see or hear Evan and all my mind could envision was his head hitting the rocks.....thank God when I got to the jeep his little head poked out and he started to cry.

He wasn't hurt just a few very minor little scrapes, he was covered in leaves and definitely scared but he was okay!
Now we make sure he is never alone in a powerwheel unless we are supervising and he has taken it upon himself to take a few extra precautions......
such as wearing a helmet!

I think he learned a lesson....he used to fuss a little because he wanted to drive but now he seems perfectly content to let one of the big kids behind the wheel!
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Monday, June 25, 2012

365 Photo Challenge Weeks 24 & 25

Well these 2 weeks were BUSY BUSY BUSY.....the first week was recital week which included pictures, practice, rehersal and finally the recital plus we had baseball and volley ball camps and then the next week was basketball camp and Rylie's birthday so lots and lots to do.....glad were back to normal lazy summer days! I did however manage to get pictures everyday so here you go.....

He wants to help matter what he is doing and this particular day....daddy was cleaning his gun and Evan helped!

Reading a book!

Pretty girl in her tumbling costume!

Baseball camp!

Katelin love love loves her baby dolls!

Lemonade stand.....on a dead end gravel road. I warn them that they just aren't going to have much luck on our road but they wanted to do it anyway so who am I to discourage them.....they gave up after about 10 minutes!

These girls were awesome at their recital!

On our way to the pool!

The 8pm baseball games make for some beautiful sunsets!

Happy Birthday Rylie Jo.....we LOVE you soooo much!

Daddy got some new helmets for the kids to use when they are on the 4 wheelers or go carts!

Owen mastered his proud of him!

Silly boy!

My mom and I heading to Ashley's wedding.....don't think you can miss us with our bright colors!
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I had my 24 week appointment last Tuesday, actually I had 2 normal one with Jeane and I also had to meet with one of the doctors for a VBAC consult.

It is the offices policy that I get the "okay" from a doctor to do a VBAC (vaginal birth after ceasarean), this will be my 4th time to VBAC so I wasn't too concerned that I wouldn't get the okay and I did get it but he seemed a bit concerned with the number of kids I have because each time you have a VBAC your risk of uterine rupture goes up. That being said, the chances of your uterus rupturing are very small anyways but if it happens it can be very bad for mom and/or baby.

I never had many concerns with this happening with my prior VBAC's but for some reason it has me a little worried this time.....I have no reason for it to worry me more but for some reason it just is. I'm sure all will be fine, just one of those things!

So this is me before going to a wedding at 24 weeks pregnant....really starting to pop out there!
It is pretty depressing trying on dresses 6 months pregnant with baby #5, I guess the bright floral print helps hide all my other bumps:(

I definitely have no regrets finding out the baby's sex.....i've loved being able to buy all the sweet little pink things and to be able to pick a name. Kinley is definitely her first name with Ryann being my choice for middle name but Chet really really likes the name Raelynn and I guess he does get some say in all this so that may become her middle name....not for sure just yet!

I'm just happy that he wants to be so involved with our kiddo's lives and he is so sweet....he brings me water and my prenatal vitamin every night before we go to bed and if I ask nicely I can usually get a 5 minute foot rub from him even though I know it's not his favortie thing to do.

With this being baby #5 I don't really have a desire to read your typical baby books but I love all the birth stuff which is why I will still pursue my dream of being a labor and delivery nurse....I got most my schooling done just gotta go to Nursing school! All in due time but in the meanwhile i've been reading a book on the history or childbirth and it is fascinating!

I believe women should be able to give birth however they desire....natural, with meds, at home, in a each their own but the women who seem to think women have been giving birth for thousands of year without issue and there is no need for medical this book!
Crazy crazy stuff that women went through up until just 30 years ago....makes me soooo grateful to be giving birth in this day and age! I could go on and on about what's in this book but some of it is too graphic for this and it would be long and probably boring to most of you!!!!

So that about sums up where I am at now.....getting insomnia pretty bad and starting to swell and Kinley it sitting on a nerve which makes it where I can't stand up or walk sometimes but tylenol pm helps me sleep and I think i'm going to start seeing a chiropractor for the rest of the pregnancy to help my's all more that worth it though....can't wait to meet my baby girl!!!!

Sunday, June 24, 2012

Rylie turns 10!!!!!

How crazy is that????
My first born baby girl is 10!
I don't feel old enough to have a 10 year old but I do and I am!

We went ahead and gave Rylie her Big present on the day of her recital.....3 days early!
It was a cell phone and she was very excited to get it, I wasn't so sure about getting her one but she will be in middle school this year and I figure I can always get ahold of her if I am running late or having someone else pick her fancy internet or anything because she sooo does not need that but she can talk and text!

This year her birthday fell on a very busy day.....Owen had basketball camp and then his last baseball game so we rushed and had a quick dinner between the two at Blazers which is her favorite place to eat in town and then after his game.......

cake and presents!
A girl after my own heart, she didn't want cupcakes or a regualar cake,
nope....she wanted dump cake....YUMMY!!!!

And for the presents....Grammy got her a purse with a wallet inside and a justice gift card inside the we will be going shopping. Daddy and I got her a bunch of cute clothes and a boombox for her Ipod.....she's a lucky girl!!!!

Then finally earlier tonight.....we made it out for her birthday dinner and she wanted Zio's.....she had been there with Abby but the rest of us had never been but it was good so we will be back!

I had planned on having a special post on her birthday much like I had planned on doing with Katelin but life has been busy which is why her birthday party is still almost a week away but she is an understanding girl. I'm proud of her, she tends to only hang out with Abby outside of school but she stepped outside her box a bit and invited a few more girls from school who she likes and gets along well with at school so stay tuned for more on our spa/sleepover party!!!!
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Saturday, June 16, 2012

Dance Recital!

Well....the dance recital didn't go quite as I had planned. The rehersal was 2 days ago and the girls all did great. Katelin got ready and went backstage without any fuss, then I got to sit in the lobby and entertain the boys for 3 was a long day but I was so happy Katelin went back without any problems and of course the big girls went right back!

We got home and I took some pics of the girls!

I am so proud of my incredible girl, it is amazing how far she has come. We tried dance when she was about 3 and couldn't even get her in the room, then she tried soccer shortly after and would only stand in the field and play with her hair. She is my shy anxious girl and man has she grown so much. Doing volleyball, trying soccer again and then dance. She has decided she doesn't want to do dance again but she stuck it out with her hip hop this year and was amazing during the recital!

And then there is Katelin! My child that is not nearly as shy and will try things without hesitation so the recital should have been no problem but as a parent you learn to expect the unexpected. She has been clingier than usual with me lately and doesn't like the costumes and the hair and makeup but she did so good at dress rehersal that I thought the recital would go off without a hitch but I was wrong. It wasn't the most organized thing, there were people everywhere and it was overwhelming especially for a little girl who just turned 4. Plus she is sniffling and had a restless nights sleep last night so she appears to be coming down with something.

I've seen the parents who will force their kids to go even though they're in tears or they get mad and try to make them feel bad for not going. I am not that parent, Katelin was clinging to me with big tears coming down, I refuse to traumatize her and make her go when she is scared. And I won't get mad and make her feel bad, she just turned 4.....she didn't even know what a recital really was before this week so I don't blame her for being's a LOT to take in. I will admit it was a tad disappointing to see her class on stage for her 2 dances and not see her up there with them but it is just a brief moment in the life of this amazingly special little girl I have so not a big deal. It was a bit pricey to do the recital so unless I feel she is definitely ready.....this fall we will just do dance class and opt out of the recital. It won't bother me.....this dance mom stuff isn't for me, not sure how those pagent moms can do it and I just feel sorry for those girls.

So here she is with her flowers....i'm still just as proud of her and she looked so cute in her costume!

And like I said Rylie and Abby did an awesome job, I couldn't be prouder of them and they looked incredible with their hip hop costumes.....with their flowers and dance trophies after the show.
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Monday, June 11, 2012

365 Photo Challenge Week 22 & 23

Katelin took this picture and was soooo proud of it, she requested that I put it on facebook or my blog so here it is!!!!

Helping daddy put the flag at half mast for memorial day!

My kiddos happily playing a game and laughing.....makes me smile!

Cat stuck on the roof and a storm was coming so daddy had to rescue her!

Hand Foot and Mouth disease hit my two little ones, very high fevers for a day or two....the cold rag made her feel better!

Waiting for grammy to get home to take him to the Royals game, he was soooo excited just tired of waiting!

Stage 2 of Hand Foot and Mouth disease, soars in the mouth and my baby boy was in pain. He was just rolling on the floor crying and all I could do was lay on the floor with him so he knew I was there for him. Rylie tried and tried to make him feel better....crushing ice chips for him, rubbing his back.....such a good big sissy!

Feeling much better and looking exceptionally adorable in his floppy hat!

and I couldn't decide which picture to post for this day so I am posting 2.....Katelin was sooo proud of the bubbles she caught on the leaf!

When the littles are in bed......the big kids eat ice cream desserts that Rylie made!

Some friendly competion on Xbox Kinect!

So Owen threw the barbie doll and this is how it landed and he thought it was the coolest thing EVER and wanted me to take a picture of it.....Goofball!

Bathtime for my sweet, dirty little boy!

They were playing on club least they are getting along!

Helmet heads?!?!? At least Xander has his helmet going the right way!
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