Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Powerwheels's Crash......

So which kid do you think is responsible for this????

Rylie has definitely outgrown these, so has Owen but he will still hop in and drive them around but they move rather slowly.... so Katelin is the main driver and Evan LOVES to ride shotgun!
They cruise all around no problem until......Katelin hops out and Evan decides he can take it for a spin.....he just doesn't quite have the concept down and he gunned it right over this wall and flipped it!

Now I was out of view when this happened but I heard Grammy in a panick yelling Evan's name and let me tell have never seen a 6 month pregnant woman run so fast and jump a rock wall like I did. I could see the flipped over jeep but could not see or hear Evan and all my mind could envision was his head hitting the rocks.....thank God when I got to the jeep his little head poked out and he started to cry.

He wasn't hurt just a few very minor little scrapes, he was covered in leaves and definitely scared but he was okay!
Now we make sure he is never alone in a powerwheel unless we are supervising and he has taken it upon himself to take a few extra precautions......
such as wearing a helmet!

I think he learned a lesson....he used to fuss a little because he wanted to drive but now he seems perfectly content to let one of the big kids behind the wheel!
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