Monday, June 11, 2012

365 Photo Challenge Week 22 & 23

Katelin took this picture and was soooo proud of it, she requested that I put it on facebook or my blog so here it is!!!!

Helping daddy put the flag at half mast for memorial day!

My kiddos happily playing a game and laughing.....makes me smile!

Cat stuck on the roof and a storm was coming so daddy had to rescue her!

Hand Foot and Mouth disease hit my two little ones, very high fevers for a day or two....the cold rag made her feel better!

Waiting for grammy to get home to take him to the Royals game, he was soooo excited just tired of waiting!

Stage 2 of Hand Foot and Mouth disease, soars in the mouth and my baby boy was in pain. He was just rolling on the floor crying and all I could do was lay on the floor with him so he knew I was there for him. Rylie tried and tried to make him feel better....crushing ice chips for him, rubbing his back.....such a good big sissy!

Feeling much better and looking exceptionally adorable in his floppy hat!

and I couldn't decide which picture to post for this day so I am posting 2.....Katelin was sooo proud of the bubbles she caught on the leaf!

When the littles are in bed......the big kids eat ice cream desserts that Rylie made!

Some friendly competion on Xbox Kinect!

So Owen threw the barbie doll and this is how it landed and he thought it was the coolest thing EVER and wanted me to take a picture of it.....Goofball!

Bathtime for my sweet, dirty little boy!

They were playing on club least they are getting along!

Helmet heads?!?!? At least Xander has his helmet going the right way!
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