Monday, June 25, 2012


I had my 24 week appointment last Tuesday, actually I had 2 normal one with Jeane and I also had to meet with one of the doctors for a VBAC consult.

It is the offices policy that I get the "okay" from a doctor to do a VBAC (vaginal birth after ceasarean), this will be my 4th time to VBAC so I wasn't too concerned that I wouldn't get the okay and I did get it but he seemed a bit concerned with the number of kids I have because each time you have a VBAC your risk of uterine rupture goes up. That being said, the chances of your uterus rupturing are very small anyways but if it happens it can be very bad for mom and/or baby.

I never had many concerns with this happening with my prior VBAC's but for some reason it has me a little worried this time.....I have no reason for it to worry me more but for some reason it just is. I'm sure all will be fine, just one of those things!

So this is me before going to a wedding at 24 weeks pregnant....really starting to pop out there!
It is pretty depressing trying on dresses 6 months pregnant with baby #5, I guess the bright floral print helps hide all my other bumps:(

I definitely have no regrets finding out the baby's sex.....i've loved being able to buy all the sweet little pink things and to be able to pick a name. Kinley is definitely her first name with Ryann being my choice for middle name but Chet really really likes the name Raelynn and I guess he does get some say in all this so that may become her middle name....not for sure just yet!

I'm just happy that he wants to be so involved with our kiddo's lives and he is so sweet....he brings me water and my prenatal vitamin every night before we go to bed and if I ask nicely I can usually get a 5 minute foot rub from him even though I know it's not his favortie thing to do.

With this being baby #5 I don't really have a desire to read your typical baby books but I love all the birth stuff which is why I will still pursue my dream of being a labor and delivery nurse....I got most my schooling done just gotta go to Nursing school! All in due time but in the meanwhile i've been reading a book on the history or childbirth and it is fascinating!

I believe women should be able to give birth however they desire....natural, with meds, at home, in a each their own but the women who seem to think women have been giving birth for thousands of year without issue and there is no need for medical this book!
Crazy crazy stuff that women went through up until just 30 years ago....makes me soooo grateful to be giving birth in this day and age! I could go on and on about what's in this book but some of it is too graphic for this and it would be long and probably boring to most of you!!!!

So that about sums up where I am at now.....getting insomnia pretty bad and starting to swell and Kinley it sitting on a nerve which makes it where I can't stand up or walk sometimes but tylenol pm helps me sleep and I think i'm going to start seeing a chiropractor for the rest of the pregnancy to help my's all more that worth it though....can't wait to meet my baby girl!!!!

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