Thursday, June 28, 2012

The Pool!!!!

This year we got a pool pass for the first time, in the past it has just been to hard to take my kids to the pool....they weren't real comfortable in the water so I would have 2 or 3 kids clinging to me and it was no fun. Last year I did private swim lessons for Rylie and Owen and what a difference it made on their comfort level in the water!

So this year we have been going at least 1 to 2 times a week. About half the time Daddy is able to go with us which we love but the other half I just take them myself!

Ready for swimming!

Here we are heading to the pool on a special day.....

it was Father's Day and we are so lucky to have the best Daddy we could ever ask for!!!!

It's not always easy to get pics of the big kids because they are always on the go when were at the pool but i've managed to get some.....

Rylie Jo....usually daddy will go to the big pool with her for a bit when he is with us!

Owen....always on the go but he stays where he can touch and checks in with us.

Katelin...she loves the curvy slide in the kid area, she will go down it over and over and over again. soon as we pull in the parking lot he gets super excited because he knows where were at!

He always remembers where are stuff is and every so often he will go over to our stuff and get a towel and wipe his face.

And sometimes he wraps himself up and comes back to the pool and leaves his towel on the edge!

Follow the leader?!?!?

Not sure what she is looks like the running man!!!!

And if I am lucky this is what they look like on our way home......

all wore out and ready for sleep!!!!
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1 comment:

Unknown said...

I dread going to the pool. The kids love it though. It's exhausting for me! I enjoy watching them though! Great pics Shannon!

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