Monday, June 4, 2012

Just a few.........

random pictures that I wanted to share!

I love this because it is just a happy moment with my kiddos, chatting away like an old group of friends and if you look closely you can see little Evan in the picture!

He was so excited the day he got his uniform that he asked me to take his picture and this kid doesn't request to have his picture taken very often!

My beautiful niece Haylie Grace....she is getting so grown up, sometimes it makes me want to cry!

It's only just begun.....the trouble these two cousins are going to get themselves into!

This is a pic way back from like was a nice day and Rylie was MAD so she chose to sit in a chair overlooking our little pond and pout!

I love this....leaving Owen's soccer practice.....Evan and Katelin hitched a ride with Rylie and Abby!

My O....sure loves his baby brother and after Kinley gets here....I think he will really appreciate having a brother at home!

Playing with his trucks in the dirt at Owen's baseball practice!

I worry about how Evan will do with a teeny tiny baby in the house and then I see this....covering up the baby doll with his blankie and while it melts my heart a little.....I am still worried about Evan and a teeny tiny baby but so far they have all survived one another and Kinley will survive too!

A couple of Katelin's silly silly faces......

Who needs a Jack in the Box when you can have an Evan in the Box!

My girls are becoming Smurfs......

and then they touched Evan!

Watch week at dance class....look how pretty my girl is!

Rylie spiked Evan's hair!

A very rare but very precious moment!

And then we add some goofy to the mix!
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1 comment:

Unknown said...

Another great post Shannon!

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