Wednesday, July 18, 2012

28 Weeks!

Do you know what that means?????
I have officially entered my third trimester which means things will go quickly from now on!
I will see Jeane every 2 weeks until 36 weeks and then I will be weekly!
And that makes for a quick final 3 months, well at least 2 months....I think the last month always lingers on a bit because by then most people are usually done being pregnant....I know I am!

So I had my appointment today and I got to drink this lovely drink......

It's basically sugar and it is for a gestational diabetes test. I have never had GD but I have failed the test before, I did with Evan and maybe even with Katelin....can't remember for sure. But if you fail you go back for the 3 hour test where you sit and sit and sit so you can have your blood drawn every hour for 3 hours so I should find out tomorrow if I have to do that or not!
You get to choose your flavor of, fruit punch or lemon (I think). I've always heard horror stories at how nasty these drinks are so when I was pregnant with Rylie I chose orange and it wasn't good but it wasn't anything horrible so I have just always stuck with orange!

While i'm sure Jeane had probably already told me this, I just didn't recall it but I have a low lying placenta which is most likely no big deal. Just means my placenta implanted low and has a small risk of placenta previa (when the placenta covers the cervix) but usually as your uterus grows the placenta moves up so I will have a sonogram at my next appointment just to make sure it is not an issue!

My blood pressure was slightly high which I never have high bp but when taken a 2nd time it was fine so another no big deal! Weird though because my kids weren't with me and if they were I would definitely expect high bp because a doctor's office is my most dreaded place to take my precious little darling children!

I also talked to her about my uterine rupture concerns and as usual Jeane puts all my worries at ease! I'm not so worried about having one as I am about knowing I am having one. Because me being who I am.....I research things and I kept coming across over and over again how a womens uterus can rupture and nobody know it....well the outcome can be really really bad for baby and mom! Since I am higher risk for it....I will have all my usual monitoring which includes internal monitors and such so we should definitely know if it happens and I will get a c section in plenty of time to have a healthy baby girl! And there is nobody I trust more than Jeane to be taking care of Kinley and no more worries....Okay about a lot less worries!

My weight....Ugh....I officially weigh more than I ever have in my life....I am 1lb over what I weighed when I delivered Evan....I haven't gained too much so far just started out with a little extra....I hate it but no sense in stressing on it now, I can't exactly diet right now so.......I guess I will just deal with it!

How am I feeling.....Big but not too uncomfortably big just yet and it is hot.....temps have been in the high 90's all the way up to sucks! It was hot the summer I had Evan too but not this hot. We are in a drought, there's been no rain and it is just HOT! I am swollen some. I've been having bad insomnia the past week or so and now i'm beginning to get restless leg syndrome which probably adds to the insomnia. Kinley is active moving all the time....she was head down at my 4D ultrasound but Jeane said she is breech right not....again no big deal....she has plenty of time to flip and flop around in there!

Chet's been taking my picture every week....I cringe when I look at them to share with the world (or at least the few of you who read this).....I am not one of those pretty people, i'm just lucky enough to have a husband who thinks I am! But I really want to document this pregnancy so here is weeks 25-28.......

And yes my hair is almost always pulled back and I usually have a tank top on....did I mention it is HOT!!!!!

So I think I have rambled on long enough..... that is my update for now! I pretty much have everything I need for Kinley Ryann.....yes we have picked a middle name, I wanted to get it all done early so now just need to get bedrooms switched around, clothes washed and buy some itty bitty diapers....can't wait to hold her!!!!
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1 comment:

Unknown said...

A few things...
I too always stick with the orange flavor for the glucose test. It isn't bad until the last little bit. I did flunk the test with Coop but not the 3hour one. It was weird.
Weight...moving on. Only stopped with this one because
Pics...I haven't done very many. I will now since I am past the half way mark and actually look preggo and not just chunky. :)
You are beautiful. Silly.
Her middle name is one of my favorites...I guess that's too be expected since it's the same middle name as one of my darlings except with an E on the end! I think Kinley Ryann is very pretty!
Now--I have rambled on enough!

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