Friday, July 6, 2012

What, Why, the World..........

How in the world.....

did I get a son who is sooooo much like his daddy?

Why in the world.....

do cardboard boxes make my kiddos soooo happy?

Why in the world.....

can't kids want to help their mommy's and daddy's when they are big kids like they do when they are little?

Why in the world....

does he want to watch a movie on the little portable dvd player when there is a big screen in the same room?

What in the world....

makes these two think this is a chair?

Why in the world....

can't they always get along so well?

How in the world.....

did I get such incredibly awesome little boys?

How in the world.....

does so much attitude fit in this cute little body?

Who in the world....

couldn't love this beautiful face?

Why in the world....

does "melmo" make kids sooo happy?

How in the world.....

does this girl know how to strike a pose so well?

Why, What, How in the world....

did this kid get so tangled in his shirt when he was supposed to be napping?

Maybe because he is such a little monkey!!!!
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