Sunday, July 8, 2012

Meet Kinley!

So we went on Friday for our 3D sonogram....I hadn't planned on doing one of these until Chet did tree work for a couple who owned their own business Kansas 4D why not give it a try! I will say I was very happy with where we went, the couple who own it are very nice and they have a nice set up for their business. It was really neat to see Kinley on the screen moving and kicking. She was chewing on her umbilical cord and was folded like a sandwich, she was head down with her feet at her face most the time.

I was a little disappointed that we weren't able to get better/ clearer pics but that is not really in anyone's has to really cooperate. So I wouldn't say this is something that I think everyone should go do but if it is something you want to do it is neat and I recommend where we went....Kansas 4D ultrasound!

So I think she looks like she has some chubby little cheeks in the top pic and her mouth is open in the bottom. Then the first big pic is her feet and then her hand! I sure do love this little girl sooo much already and can't wait to hold her and kiss her and love on her!

And this is her heartbeat is very special because if you give it a squeeze then you will here baby Kinley's heartbeat, not a generic one but the heartbeat of my sweet baby girl!

So since finding out we are adding another little girl to our home....I have done a bit of shopping.....

Baby magic....the best smell in the world, doesn't compare to any other baby bath products, i've decided to go with gumdrop binkys (i've have yet to have a baby that uses a binky beyond 4 months but just in case) and Tommee Tippee bottles, they're supposed to be one of the best ones for breastfed babies!!!!

I love her car seat and I got it at about 1/2 price so....SCORE! And her cute little bouncy seat!

Then some swaddlers and I have bought several blankets and their so soft and cute, her owl cart cover and I love the cute little socks!

Just a few of her cute outfits....she is getting quite the wardrobe!

And me at 26 this is how big I was when we got to see our sweet girl in 3D.....
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