Tuesday, July 10, 2012


There are no words to say how incredibly proud I am of this kid.....my shy quiet boy has gone out there and played football, basketball, soccer and baseball and he seems to really enjoy it!

I must admit out of all the sports....baseball is my favorite to watch....I love watching him play!

He is doing so awesome...he almost always got a hit when he is up to bat!

He got on a great team with excellent coaches and two boys from his school were on his team.

Again, I am so proud of how well he has done.

He worked real hard at baseball camp.

Evan really enjoyed watching his big brother hard at work!

There he is.....#5!

And while the little ones could get onery, they were pretty good at games....Katelin made a little friend and evan just kind of did whatever, we would keep him in the stroller as long as possible but at times we had to let him out!

So way to go Owen.....we are so proud of you! Now time to gear up for football and then basketball!
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