Wednesday, August 29, 2012

34 Weeks!

At this point i'm really not feeling to bad.....just really really tired and pretty much like I am in a sauna all the time! I cannot wait to actually be cold again! Every once in a while I think Kinley will get on a nerve and my lower back hurts but it's nothing like when I was pregnant with Evan....I could hardly walk most of the time!
Last week Jeane was gone delivering a baby during my appointment so Stephanie (her nurse) just copied my book that I write my levels in and let me know Jeane would call me. She called the next day and as expected she said I needed to see the perinatologist so they could determine the best course of action with my GD. I saw the perinatologist yesterday and he moved my meds to 3 times a day and so far so levels seem to be doing pretty good. I see them again in a week.
I saw Jeane today and had another sono where they checked for growth. 4 weeks ago when they checked she was measuring a little small and her guessed weight was 3 lbs 2 oz (though i'm not too sure that weight is real accurate with sonos). Today she is weighing in about 4 lbs 12 oz. Her measurements are measuring her small for her gestational age and I guess her head is teeny tiny. In 4 weeks time she has grown like it's only been 2 weeks and 5 days instead of 4 weeks. I had Katelin, Brianna (a little girl i'm watching a couple days a week) and Evan with me so it was a bit distracting so I may have missed a few details....they won't be with me next week so it will be easier to talk to Jeane. I think she said her head is about 2 weeks behind on growth. Even my belly is measuring at 33 weeks not 34.
Like Jeane said she isn't overly concerned but with the GD we are kinda walking a fine line here. If we deliver to early we are risking her lungs not being developed enough (they can develop slower with GD) but if we don't deliver early enough than we worry about the placenta beginning to deteriorate (which it can do earlier with GD). So we will do the regular quick sonos the next 2 weeks and then another growth check in 3 weeks instead of waiting 4 and if she still isn't growing like she should than she will have to be delivered then. If she is growing better than we will deliver at 39 weeks. Like I said, I has some distractions but I either stayed the same weight from 2 weeks ago or lost a pound (since I didn't actually see Jeane last week, I didn't have to be weighed!)
Since I am VBAC I cannot be induced unless my cervix is favorable but Jeane said with this being baby #5 she would expect my cervix to be dialating at 37 weeks but like she said.....we will cross that bridge when we get there.
I am trying not to worry and I know everything will be fine, there is absolutely nobody that I trust more than Jeane to get Kinley here safe and sound. But....this is all new to me..... i've experienced some drama with my deliveries before but i've just never really had problems like this with any of my other pregnancies so it's hard not to worry about her. The small head size is probably my biggest concern but again I know it will be fine. Just want to get my sweet baby girl here healthy and happy!!!! My due date is Oct. 9 but it looks like we can narrow things down approximately sometime between Sept. 19 and Oct. 2.  
Here is me at 33 weeks (haven't got the 34 week pic off the camera yet)
And Kinley's little corner of the world, her and Katelin will be sharing a room so hopefully that works out okay! I am still needing to get her bed set and waiting on letters to spell out her name, that will go above her crib on the pink wall. I looked and looked for some and they were all like $17 a letter and that seemed ridiculous to me so I finally found some on ebay that a lady will custom make for less than $4 a letter.....any color, any font and she will put any color ribbons on it. So I am still trying to decide if I should go with white to match furniture or go with creme. And the little ribbons.....should I do green to add a touch of a cool color or stick with pink and purple....i'm happy to hear any and all opinions!!!! So we are pretty much ready for her whenever she makes her appearance.....just need to buy some itty bitty diapers!!!! 

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