Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Happy 2nd Birthday Evan!!!

Is it really possible???? My little boy is 2....crazy! I love seeing his personality grow as he grows, i'm also a little last little boy is growing up:(

Today was pretty laid back, still trying to get into the back to school routine but we did go out for a little birthday celebration. Evan LOVES trains so we went to Fritz's for dinner!

He loves watching the trains at Fritz's!

And....we of course had to let him ride the little train, Katelin and Owen each went for a ride with him and Rylie just played with the train whistle she talked us into buying!

When we got home we let him open a few presents and since his favorite place is outside we just did it there!

And it was a school night so we had to get everyone ready for bed but we let him play with his new toys for just a little bit and of course......whenever one of the kids gets new toys....all the kids want to check them out!!!!

Happy Birthday baby bring so much joy and so much laughter to our lives....we love you more than you will ever ever know!!!!

We are having his party this weekend so stay tuned!
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