Tuesday, August 7, 2012

A Nice Summer Night....

and let me tell you....those have been very rare this HOT summer so when we finally had one we spent some time outside!

This kid should be nicknamed crash.....

First he puts on his helmet....

then he gets on his bike and then....

he crashes on purpose while making car and crashing noises.....it is pretty darn funny!!!!

Rylie showing off her new pj's....how beautiful is she?!?!?

And my other girl just being her cute self!

These 3 kids helped daddy give Cayenne a bath....she had given herself a mud bath earlier and desparately needed washed.....

while they did that....Owen played with his new car he bought with his own money!

We were also dog sitting sweet little Hope so she got to hang outside with us!

And to end the night Evan helped water flowers, then he decided to wash my car and finally he took an outdoor shower.....fun times!!!!

We try to take our kids to go do fun family stuff but some of our favorite memories just come from hanging out in our own yard together as a family.....we are so blessed to have such an incredible little family!!!!
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