Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Evan's 2nd Birthday: Under Construction!

We went with a construction theme this year and it turned out pretty cute!

Here are the invites:

My Birthday boy.....

how cute is he?!?!?!

We had good foods and snacks and thanks to pinterest I got ideas to turn the trucks to serving turned out super cute!

Of course there were presents and Evie got lots of trucks.....and he LOVES trucks!!!

He really liked his cake.....

of course, all he wanted to do was drive the truck down the road of icing!

And then there was the toughest pinata we have ever had, usually our pinatas don't make it through all the big kids....well I think everyone got at least seconds if not third turns with this one!

It was a great day with great friends and great food.....we appreciate everyone who came to help us celebrate our amazing little boy turning 2!!!
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1 comment:

Unknown said...

Love it! We did construction for Connor's 3rd birthday! I have a running list of themes we've used :) I wish I would've had pinterest then! Love all the decor you used!

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