Saturday, August 4, 2012

30 Weeks

30 down and 10 to go.....we're in the homestretch now!
So since my 28 week post it's been quite a whirlwind, I went in for my 3 hour glucose test and found out the next day that I had failed it. What does that mean? Well, it means I have Gestational Diabetes so I met with the diabetes center the next day.

29 weeks

I first met with a nurse who gave me my glucose testing stuff and showed me how to use it. I learned I will be poking my fingers 5 times per day....first thing when I get up in the morning, 2 hours after each of my main meals and one last time before my bedtime snack. Then I met with the nutritionist who went over what foods I needed to eat and when. I basically need to make all my meals and snacks protein based and then I can have 3-4 servings of carbs with each meal and 1-2 with each snack. I basically have to eat like a newborn would.....every 2-3 hours so I have to have 3 meals and 3 snacks a day.

As long as I can maintain my blood glucose levels with diet then it's all good but if I can't then I will most likely go on insulin. I have been doing pretty good, for the most part all my numbers are below where they need to be except for my morning fasting numbers which are the hardest to control so I have a feeling the insulin will be in my near future. There is also the chance I will have to meet with a perinatologist (high risk doctor) but hopefully not....I would rather just listen to Jeane!

I, of course, started researching GD and reading up on how it can effect can cause babies to be bigger which leads to higher incidence of c-section so me already being a VBAC that is not good. It can also cause the lungs to develop slower, higher chances of baby going to the NICU and a higher rate of still birth. So it caused me some stress and concern. So I was worried about Kinley and feeling guilty for bringing all of this on her. And really I was just downright emotional.

So I had a sono and appointment with Jeane on Wednesday. I happen to be friends with Jeane on facebook so she had already seen my worries and concerns that I had posted. About the first words out of her mouth were that I had not caused this, there is nothing I could have done to have prevented it. She also clarified that all the risk to babies are more for uncontrolled GD and as long as it is controlled then Kinley should be healthy. As far as the lung long as she doesn't come real early it shouldn't be a concern and I have never had a baby born before it's due date.....they like it in there and are in no hurray to come out. So as she usually does, Jeane put me at ease with all my worries and concerns. I know my hormones are going crazy and it's making me super emotional but I feel a whole lot better about the whole thing.

I will have weekly sonos and visits with Jeane from here on out just to monitor Kinley's well being and how i'm doing controlling the GD. So lots of peeks at my baby girl, they will mostly just be quick sonos but every 4th on they will check her growth. My placenta has moved up so that is not an issue and on Wednesday Kinley had her feet up at her face again and she had moved to the head down position. She was also measuring a little small which is a good thing since I do have GD.

It's been a challenge adjusting to all the changes, not being able to have my pepsi has been tough and I had about a week with horrible head was throbbing, it was horrible but they seem to be better now. But whatever it takes to get my girl here healthy and happy!

On the plus side....I lost a pound and hopefully I will drop a little more and maybe I won't gain anymore....that would be awesome! And I get to see my baby girl every week as she grows though that can never compare to when I get to actually hold her and touch her!

Here is my testing kit....I poke my finger with the black thing and then on a testing strip in the pink thing I put a drop of my blood and 5 seconds later it tells me my blood glucose levels. 

And this is me at 30 weeks!!!!

So between getting used to the GD and working our butts off trying to paint and move furniture to get the kids all settled in their right rooms before school has been busy and blogging has taken a backseat but I hope to get some more post done this week and catch up. We have Owen and Evan's room pretty much done.....we did a sports theme and got them a bunk bed (which Evan slept in for the first time last night and he did great) so I will be posting with pics of their new room very soon. We also got Katelin and Kinley's room painted but thats as far as we have gotten in there and we plan to get Rylie's room painted next stay tuned!!!!!
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