Sunday, July 14, 2013

Go Owen!!!!

I am so proud of this kid, another great year of baseball for Owen!

It started out a little rough, he was hitting here and there and getting some scores but not a lot. So.....

Daddy took him to buy a new bat and glove and we tried to practice when we could.....

and what a difference, he was hitting almost everytime he was up to bat!

I love watching him play, it is my favorite sport to watch.

And while my main concern with any sport is good sportsmanship.....

it was kind of cool that they were undefeated!!!!

And while we were watching and Owen was playing, what were the other kids doing????

Evan was just doing his own thing....eating, playing, running, crying....just doing his thing!

When Rylie joined us she would help with Kinley!

When she didn't join us, Kinley was all ours!

And Katelin loves going to Owen's games because she would get to play with her friend Kyla!

It was a great season, can't wait until next year but until then we will have basketball and football to look forward too!!!!
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